End Of Lease Cleaning Services

Everyone knows that moving house is stressful which is why we have created our specialised End of Lease cleaning service to take as much of the hassle out of the process for you.

The Maid to Clean team did an exceptional job on my end of lease clean. A thorough eye for detail throughout. The bathroom tiles came up better than before we moved in! Highly recommend this service. - Dawn H. from Ashburton

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Home  > End Of Lease Cleaning Services

End of Lease Cleaning You Can Trust

We offer a specialised end of lease cleaning service to make sure you get your bond back when you vacate your property. As soon as you book, forget about the cleaning and let us get to work. We will be flexible and make the moving out process as easy as possible.

100% Bond Back Guarantee

Our end of lease cleans come with a 100% Bond Back guarantee. On the rare occasion your agent has a problem, we will be back and normally within 24 hours! We just ask to be notified within 7 days.

Honest Pricing

We price our services accurately and honestly, rarely needing to request any changes. Be wary of "Cheap End of Lease Cleans" from companies who will arrive at your property and instantly request to increase the price by 50-200%

We Take Care Of Everything

After you book with us, all we need is to know is how we will access the property and we will take it from there. We can pick up keys and manage all property manager communication professionally so you don't have to!

We are rated the best in Melbourne

Still unsure? Check out our reputation across the internet. On Google we have over 1300+ reviews and the highest rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars. We also top the list on Product Review for all of Victoria!

When To Book Our End of Lease Clean

We strongly recommend booking our “Move Out/In” extra whenever you are coming to the end of your lease and you will be having an inspection done by your rental agent. These inspections are very thorough and therefore End of Lease cleans can take a long time, often longer than people realise!

We also recommend our “Move Out/In” extra when you are moving in to your home and want it cleaned top to bottom.

We advise against booking Hourly Rate services when moving out of a property due to the frequency that the amount of cleaning required when moving out is significantly underestimated. We cannot provide any satisfaction guarantee when Hourly Rate services are booked when a customer is moving out.

End of Lease Clean Pricing

Pricing for our End of Lease Cleans varies depending on the number of bedrooms (and studies) your home has, and also if your home will be empty or furnished. The base costs includes all areas of cleaning that are required by most estate agents, including inside all drawers/cabinets and inside the oven. Furnished End of Lease Cleans also incide inside the fridge.

Other extras such as Inside Windows, Steam Cleaning, Blinds, Balconies etc can be added as extras on the booking form.

Remember – End of Lease Cleans are more expensive than standard cleans due to the extremely high standards required by Real Estate Agents. Every part of the home must be cleaned to perfection, and this often takes more time and work than expected.

Bedrooms Empty Furnished
1 $418.00 $508.00
2 $448.00 $548.00
3 $508.00 $618.00
4 $578.00 $688.00
5 $678.00 $808.00
6 $718.00 $858.00

How To Book an End of Lease Clean

To book an End of Lease Cleaning service head over to the booking page and select the “Flat Rate” according to the number of bedrooms/studies in your home and then add one of the “Move Out/In” extras on top. This upgrades the service to our End of Lease clean package. There are two types of extras you can choose from: Move Out/In (empty) and Move Out/In (furnished).

Our Move Out/In (empty) extra is standard and should be booked for all homes where your items/belongings will be moved out prior to the clean.

Our Move Out/In (furnished) extra is for when the furniture/belongings will be left in the property. This is normally only the case for situations such as furnished apartments. Our furnished End of Lease Cleaning package covers much of the same as our standard End of Lease Cleaning (including inside oven and all cabinets), however will also include inside your fridge and dusting/wiping down furniture.

A Note On Unfurnished & Furnished Bond Cleaning

Please note – if you have an unfurnished lease, we require your home to be emptied of all furniture and belongings prior to the cleaning service. If you home is still furnished when we come for your end of lease clean, your bond back guarantee may be voided. This is because the process of removing furniture can displace dust/dirt in the house as well as the fact that any furniture left in the home can impede the clean itself.

If your rental property has a furnished lease this adds an extra layer of complexity to your bond cleaning service and there is a chance our team will contact you on the day of the service if more time/work is needed than our average flat rates.

What’s Included In an End of Lease Clean

We’ve made our move out cleaning services as simple and easy as possible. We’ve adapted our End of Lease Cleaning service over time so it generally includes all items required by property managers/agents. The service includes a thorough clean of all the general cleaning and we’ve included inside all drawers/cabinets and inside the oven too. If you would like other extras such as windows, steam carpet cleaning or more, please feel free to select these when booking.

Aside from the optional extras, the bond back guarantee will mean that all the general cleaning that your agent expects will be covered. This includes areas such as: behind/under previously permanent furniture (e.g. fridge cavities), high/low skirting boards, ceiling fans throughout home, grout in all showers (we do not do floors/walls), range-hood filters, even inside the dishwasher!

Please note that with our end of lease cleans we will spot clean 2-3 major scuff marks per wall only. If you have walls that require full cleaning, this will need to be added as an extra ($29/wall).

For a full list of inclusions as well as pricing, click the “Inclusions and Pricing” link below. Otherwise, feel free to head over to the booking page to make your booking.

All Living Areas / Bedrooms End Of Lease (Unfurnished)
Light Tidy Up
Cobweb Removal
Empty Bins
Dust & Wipe Skirting Boards/Window Sills/Doors
Dust/Clean Doors
Clean Accessible Light Switches/Power Points
Dust All Reachable Surfaces
Dust/Clean Mirrors
Air Freshen/Deodorise (optional)
Lightly Dust Blinds
Vacuum/Wipe visible window tracks/sills
Vacuum/Mop All Accessible Floors
Bathrooms End Of Lease (Unfurnished)
Scrub/Clean Bath
Scrub/Clean Shower
Scrub/Clean Sinks
Wipe Down Benches
Clean Mirrors
Clean/Polish Tapware and Chrome
Wipe Down Cupboards (exterior)
Empty Bins
Clean/Disinfect Toilet
Scrub Wall Tiles/Grout
Clean Ceiling Exhaust Fans
Inside All Drawers/Cabinets
Kitchen End Of Lease (Unfurnished)
Clean Stovetop
Clean Rangehood (exterior)
Clean Underside of Rangehood
Clean Exhaust Fans/Filters
Clean/Wipe All Benchtops
Clean Visible Appliances (exterior)
Clean Splashback
Clean/Polish Tapware
Scrub/Clean Sink
Clean Cupboards (exterior)
Polish Stainless Steel Surfaces
Dust All Surfaces
Remove Food and Wipe Inside Dishwasher
Inside Oven
Inside All Drawers/Cabinets

Need More Information?

Still got some questions? Head over to our FAQ page to find out the answers to our most commonly asked questions for our move out cleaning service including information about access, keys, security and more.


Fancy A Chat?

We’d love to hear from you. Head over to our Contact Us page and feel free to give us a call or send us an email.

Contact Us

Optional Extras

The “Move Out/In” extra includes the “Inside Oven” and “Inside All Cabinets/Drawers” as these are generally always needed. Sometimes agents require some other extras and if so, you can add these on if you need. The following extras can be added to the service. Click any of them for more information:

Steam/Carpet Cleaning
Inside Windows
Balcony/Patio Area
Wet Wipe Blinds
Clean Walls

If you would like any of the above extras, please make sure to select them as well as the “Move Out/In” extra.

100% Bond Back Guarantee

All End of Lease cleans with Maid to Clean come with a 100% bond-back guarantee as standard. What this means is that if on the rare occasion your agent is not completely happy with the cleanliness of the property, we will pop back completely free of charge and attend to any areas.

For full terms and conditions please see your booking confirmation/reminder emails.

Before and Afters...

A particularly neglected stove was no match for our cleaning legends, Aurelie and Jonathon! With our bond cleaning service the team got this kitchen back to it’s prime state!


A lot of people would think a shower like this was beyond repair. Not Elif and Erkan who had it looking almost as good as new!


What is End of Lease cleaning?

End of lease cleaning is a full house clean that is done prior to your rental agent inspecting the property, and generally includes cleaning of all the items real estate agents look for, such as inside drawers/cabinets and ovens. Our end of lease cleans come with a 100% bond back guarantee.

How much does End of Lease cleaning cost?

We charge a flat rate according to the number of bedrooms and studies in your home. and whether or not the house is furnished or unfurnished. Furnished will cost slightly more as it requires cleaning furniture. Feel free to check out pricing on our pricing page, or get an interactive quote on our booking form.

How long does an End of Lease clean take?

The time required for end-of-lease cleaning will depend on the size of your house and the level of cleaning required. Our end-of-lease cleans are results based rather than time based, so our teams will work until the house is left in bond-back condition. End of lease inspections tend to be very thorough, and therefore the end of lease cleans take longer than people usually expect as we make sure to cover any item that is looked at by the real estate agent, such as cabinets, ovens, showers, and scuff marks on the walls. End of lease cleaning with pets may require additional time thoroughly clean focus areas. End of lease inspections tend to be very thorough, and therefore the end of lease cleans take longer than people usually expect as we make sure to cover any item that is looked at by the real estate agent, such as cabinets, ovens, showers, and scuff marks on the walls. We normally send a two person team and the service will take between 3-8+ hours.

What should I do to prepare for an end-of-lease cleaning?

To prepare for an end of lease cleaning, it’s strongly recommended that you remove any personal items and clear surfaces of clutter that may be left. If you have opted for the standard unfurnished lease clean, we require the property to be completely emptied of furniture and belongings to ensure you are eligible for our bond-back guarantee. This is to ensure people to do not need to return to the property after the clean and risk dirtying the property after the service.

Can you guarantee bond return after end-of-lease cleaning?

Maid to Clean can provide a 100% bond back guarantee for all areas that have been booked as part of your end-of-lease clean. If in the rare case you are not happy with your service, we will pop back free of charge to tend to any specific area. Please refer to terms and conditions on your booking confirmation.

How do I book an end-of-lease cleaning service?

We recommend jumping on our booking form online where you will be able to see all options and pricing. Simply select a flat rate depending on the number of bedrooms and studies in your home, then select the Move Out extra and any other extra’s you would like. If you need more assistance or if the date/time you would like to book does not appear on the booking form, please get in touch with our friendly team on 03 8391 7026.

Where do you offer end of lease cleaning services in Melbourne?

We provide cleaning services all across Melbourne. Some of the popular suburbs we operate in are Brunswick, Williamstown, St Kilda, Brighton, Northcote and Bentleigh. You can find more of the locations we operate in here. So feel free to contact us at 03 8391 7026 for more information or book your cleaning with our team today!